Tasting of Tears
Oct. 06, 2001 ] 11:11 a.m.

In the dark flush of night
She turns in a supine pirouette
Entangling her limbs in a tango
Of sheets, her slumberous head
Resting in the moon bright halo
Of longing where her eyelids
Flicker in the motion of traveling
Through wanting dreamscapes
A fusillade of flagaration unquenched,
Undiminished by biological wanes
That roar and thunder in dimmed
Consciousness --
As her nebulous arms reach out
To enfold a paper figure into origami
Before it floats hauntingly through
Greying cities --
Where the sharp tang of wet rain
Wars with --
Remembered musk and milky tears
A bowl of uncounted rice grains
Sticky --
Multi-stranded pearls awash in an
Iridescent light --
A swooning half throb of fusky pain
She wakes --
Her eyes blink, swallowing that image,
Her mind misremembers,
Sparks recognition,
The faint acrid aftertaste
Bitter and beyond recovery
Tasting of tears.

Was trying to make a clever, Dali-lesque, surrealistic landscape. Intertwined with memories of the BF. Pathetic.
wax ] wane
