Dec. 18, 2001 ] 10:06 PM
I can feel the old weariness creep in today. I hate Christmas. I write the worse poetry during December... and that's saying a lot. My own poetry makes me cringe sometimes. I know that. (My conscience pricks me or maybe it is my vanity.) Oh well.

Just a year ago, I was teetering between jubliance and agony. Just a year ago I was so stressed with my summer job that I fell sick and had nightmares, lost my voice (I was in the customer service industry) and had a major allergy attack thanks to the allergens in the office.

I really detested that job but it taught me how to answer the phone and do some data entry. Bleah. Oh and endure fussy customers who yell at you over the phone for no discernable reason other than to vent their displeasure at the company's policy.

Bad taste in mouth. Bad taste in mouth.

And yes I am aware that my mood swings are back and worse than before. Okay maybe not worse but still rather bad. Hate myself.:(

Okay that was uncalled for.

I just hate the Christmas season. And I hate crying at night. And I hate being sick!

Maybe it's my ill health calling the shots. Maybe. Everything's a maybe these days. It's bloody frustrating.

BF ain't helping. Cos he can't. I am so isolated here.

wax ] wane
