I hate mornings
Jan. 18, 2002 ] 7:13 AM
I hate mornings. I just went to bed at 2 in the morning and was woken up by the morning crowd (read Brat and Dad off to their respective workplaces). As a result (and due to impending bloody exams) I'm a bear in the mornings. A pint sized bear, I apologise, I will rephrase that, a pint sized, spolit grumpy bear. Grrrrrrr.

I think I'm being pretty unfair to the small Fry. I wonder if first borns are all as nasty as I am. Well, no. My mam was pretty fond of pointing out the sterling examples of my other cousins being very nice to their younger sisters.


Have you read the Pecking Order? I forgot the author's name, having read it so long ago. I do recall that first borns and only children share several similar traits. They are usually more ambitious, responsible, conservative. Probably supercillious and condescending too. And definitely bossy.

I wonder. Brat seems to get the worse from me.

Hah, BF just complained I was being too snotty and curt with him. *sulk* I'm not going to apologise. No siree.

Ah fine. *mumbles reluctant apology*

Oh fine. He can have an apology later when I am in a better mood and feeling more ashamed than belligerent.

I hate mornings. I bet whoever is around me in the mornings hates me too. Bleah. I know my mam does.

wax ] wane
