Another HTML entry
Feb. 11, 2002 ] 11:42 PM
I am going to revoke the BF�s computer god-ling status. He sent me three different bubble scripts to do the same thing. To create a bubble of text when you hold the mouse cursor over a link. I did inform him that my HTML skills are rudimentary to say the least and I would prefer something along the lines of cut and paste, with the barest minimum of fuss. So it might be my own ineptitude that renders the script unusable, but the fact is, it did not work even after I followed his verbal instructions. Boohoo. And the latest script came with no instructions.

Well, I have a couple of new designs waiting in the wings to be unveiled. One is almost done. I still need to tweak the code a little, upload the gifs and change the links, but that should be no problem. The other was inspired by my mom�s new shower curtains. It is a geometrical design and I�m still wondering how to actually convert the design from paper to reality. Oh well, I have plenty of time to do so.

wax ] wane
