Avoiding Easter bunnies and their pagan meanings.
Mar. 28, 2002 ] 3:36 PM
Captain Sarcasto is coming up to Australia to see me. Whoopee! This means I can write mean things about him and he doesn't get to read them until he goes back to work in a fortnight's time. Bwahahaha.

On a more serious note, I have not seen him for over 6 months. There is bound to be some awkwardness when we first meet. It is like a first date all over again. *shudder*

On the other hand, I might become a screaming banshee and pounce on the poor unsuspecting man and just go gaga at the arrival hall. Blubber.

I don't know. If it is anything like the last time he came down to surprise me on my 21st birthday, I will probably run hot, then cold with him. I guess I have gotten too used to my independence, without a man around to crimp my style, yet do not feel the lack of companionship because I know that I have a person outside my family that loves me as much as they do.

I was pondering on that notion of semi-independence. It suits me. I get bored easily. I need new stimulations in my sordid world to revivificate me often from my lethargic hibernation I fall into so easily. I want to run around on my own and do things when I feel like it, be me not "we" all the time. It gives me the freedom to do what I want, yet indulge my need for unconditional acceptance in someone.

Perhaps that last line was a little exaggerated, but you get the idea.

On a more mundane note. It's bloody Easter. My apologies to staunch Christians, it was a figure of speech. (I'm a Buddhist). I meant it's Easter, it's the a long weekend public holiday. That means all the shops are closed for Easter, as are most of the entertainment places. I do not relish the idea of being cooped up in a room with a boyfriend that has been celibate in most ways for over 6 months.

Errrr... was that a little too candid for everyone? Bleah. Well, this might get censored by Cpt Sarcasto but we shall see. Or me.

No, I don't mind the canoodling bit or whatever. *blush* But I do not think either of us want to canoodle for the entire weekend. I think that is ridiculous. Hmmm. I might drag him shoe window shopping. That will drive him nuts I think.


Oh and yes, I have too many IRC whatyoucallthems. Sorry.

wax ] wane
