The BF Saga (I)
Apr. 03, 2002 ] 9:05 PM
Well day four (or is it three or five?) of the BF saga. Little minor hiccups here and there, which is part of every relationship. Things like me sulking and throwing a tantrum when things don't go my way (especially where cleanliness is concerned), and BF being relatively brain dead as males are wont to do. (Yes I am still in the bash-the-male mood.)

I like relationship hiccups especially when he is here. It keeps both of us grounded onto what a real relationship is like. Not the version which is all sweetness and light with everyone singing happy tunes to a Technicolor background. That is good, because in a long distance relationship, one tends to ignore or forget the day to day irritating habits of the other party and create an idealised mental image of a person. This way, everything get imprinted in my mind�s eye and when he leaves, reality asserts itself... until we meet again.

I mean I got seriously annoyed when we missed the bus to the city the other day because he wasn�t paying attention and I had turned to throw something in the rubbish bin behind the bus-shelter. Of course I had been irritated with him the night before because I had a terrible night's sleep because he steals the covers, and it is autumn and chilly at night. (That has been worked out. He now sleeps on the floor.) But that worked out fine, because since I was the planner for that day, Captain Sarcasto didn't know which bus we had to take. And after the initial quarrel, things were back to normal, with both of us learning a lesson.

Okay, I learnt a lesson. I cannot speak for him. He might have just shrugged it off in his usual imitable style.

Live and learn. Take and give. That sort of minutiae one only gets to learn in a proper relationship.

In any case, I think I wear the pants in this relationship. And BF swears he hears the sound of a whip each time I ask/demand/order something from him. Which is quite funny some of the time. At other times? It hasn't happened yet but I just might pick a fight with him.

Oh, and he nags something shocking... and so do I. Which goes to show that we are still having fun. Whoopee.:P

wax ] wane
