False Advertising
May. 01, 2002 ] 11:02 AM
Blah. I hate it when things like that happen. Don't you? It's annoying. It's downright despicable. It's a whole bunch of adjectives I can't remember.

In any case, I ordered Prawn Noodles. And what did I get? One measly shrunken prawn. Oh, and a whole lot of shredded chicken. So it's 2% prawn, 15% chicken and 5% sliced fish-cake. And 80-odd% noodle. So maybe they should just call it Chicken Noodles.

I'm not expecting my mom's home-cooked dish of Prawn Noodles with 5 or 6 huge tiger prawns, which make up about 20% of the dish. After all I don't eat the damn things anyway. I just shuttle the prawns to the brat who loves them, causing my mom to shriek, "It's Prawn Noodles! How can you eat my Prawn Noodles with no prawns!"

So why am I fussing over the lack of prawns? Well, for the same reason my mom uses when she yells at me. Yes, I am quibbling, but there.

Food is terribly important to me. And so is categorising things. So if there is more chicken than prawn in a noodle dish, I think it should justifiably be called Chicken Noodles. Or maybe Chicken-Prawn Noodles, the chicken bits being considerably more than the lone prawn.

Whatever. Yes, I have no life. So sue me.

On a quirkier note, this reminds me of what a friend once told me. He wanted to sue this girl he was having a relationship with for "false advertising". Seems like she never left home without a wonder bra or some sort of maximiser equipment for the chest. Hah. Talk about disgruntled males and their pet peeves.

I wouldn't mind some false advertising of my own. Hee.

wax ] wane
