My bright yellow clock
May. 14, 2002 ] 8:48 PM
My clock fell off the wall yesterday. My les triples clock. My bright yellow, cute as a button clock which I had for more than a decade. Bah. It seems the walls of this hostel hates my clock. It has fallen off the walls of two different rooms in the past two and a half years. There are now two ugly cracks in the casing of the clock. I suppose I'm lucky the mechanism and the glass face are still intact. Bah.

The first time it fell was when my first neighbour had her stereo on so loud that the walls were literally shaking. This time (in a different room), it was the culmination of the vibrations from doors being slammed over a long period of time. I never understood why my neighbours slam their doors shut. It doesn't make an ounce of difference in the security of the room.

And unfortunately for Strawberry, she was the catalyst again. She slammed her door shut and my clock fell down. The last vibration that broke the clock's prospensity to hang on to the wall. Yes, I know it was her because she's the only person in the whole corridor who leaves her stereo on full blast and wanders off socialising/studying/for meals. And when she opens the door, the stereo is amplified because of the lack of the door as a sound barrier.

I think we are a bunch of fools who shouldn't be set together. It is just part of the long list of grievances I have compiled ever since we fell out with each other. Oh, we are civil, but I'm sure we mentally add the little annoyances up while we hide our animosity. I do. And that was the reason why she quarrelled with me the last year. Too many patronising quotes that don't sound patronising to anyone but her.


Yes I should get better hooks or something. But the last one was for one kg loads. My clock doesn't weigh a whole kilogram! Bah.

And yes, BF has pointed out succintly that I complain/whine/whinge too much. Bah. I'm stressed right now. And PMSey to boot.

wax ] wane
