Bonkers and blinkers
Jun. 03, 2002 ] 11:00 PM
Isn't it amazing? I think it has been almost a month since I have last changed my layout. Talk about stability. However, I have changed my poetry page layout. So does that count?

There's nothing much to this entry. I'm just coming down after the euphoria of turning in my first English Essay on time. It's a record. I haven't handed in an essay on time for over a year and a half. Wait. I think I never handed in an English Essay on time. Argh.

Bleah. BF said I was a bad girl.

Bad bunnywunny. *Makes pathetic face*.

Well I did. So there.

And thanks to 6 painkillers for the headaches that follow in the wake of too much thinking, the 2 anti-nausea pills from too much stress and caffeine and the litres of milk for my tea. I will not touch a drop of milk for the next two weeks. Wait a minute. I still have another essay and an exam to go. Eeech.

It's quite a array of pills. Me. I never pop painkillers, even when my eyes experience flashing lights from my migraines and I throw up from the pain. Because I hate ingesting anything foreign.

And I took 6 painkillers over two days. Maximum dosage.

Yuck. Maybe I should purge myself.

Maybe not.

I'm getting a little "bonkers" as my mom would say. Well, more than a little.

Oh crap. I just remembered. I lost my prescription for my painkillers.

wax ] wane
