Digestive woes
Aug. 07, 2002 ] 11:53 PM
Just to let any budding critics know, I do realise that my entries are getting increasingly inane, repetitive and vocabulary deficient. It isn't the slow torture of dull and insipid day to day events, but merely an imaginative lack of the wacky sense of humour that injects life into boring situations.

Sheesh. Why bother justifiying my lack of interest in even attempting to churn out a meaningless entry for the sheer fun of it. I cannot even summon up the fun demon to enrich my entries. Not to mention devote time to thinking up sobriquets for the new bunch of people I have met. I do not know them enough to comment on their individual quirks and they are not those individuals whose personalities allow themselves to manifest upon casual acquainttance.

Hey, my creative juices have returned.

Ooops. I may have killed the flow by saying that.

Darn it.

Mental notes:

  • Stop saying "Yah", or "Yeah" instead of "Yes."

  • Stop using "Nope" to replace "No".

  • Stop using the F-word even in my head. Bad girl, you never know when it might slip out your mouth at the most importune moment. Possibly when your mother who is handy with a toothbrush and soap is around.

  • Sleep early damnit!

  • Oh and do not spend so much!

  • In addition, isn't it time to start reading your texts instead of the delectable Georgette Heyer romances?

This was intended to be an entry about the poor balding unicorn on my bed, but I guess I will save that for another day.

By the way, is this new colour scheme better than the last? I did it without the benefit of my laptop because I realised that colours looked different from notebooks compared to computer monitors.

wax ] wane
