Warcraft III Madness
Sept. 01, 2002 ] 9:32 PM
It's official. I'm a Warcraft III newbie gamer. Hee, I was going to say an addict, but I play only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for about 10 hours a day, and I reiterate, only on the weekends... see the fine line of sanity there? *grins inanely* But we did play for five days this past week...

I had an entry entitled "The Map Which Deep Impression Bears" written in my head just before I keeled over from sleep, but it was 4 in the morning so I only remember the gist of it and I do not feel like transferring the entry into actual writing. A pity, because it was a classic snobbish entry full of Shakespearean references that ensures that I can lord over all those lowly idiots out there who do not read Shakespeare. *giggles* That was a statement, but made in jest. *turns nose up at the fawning idiots out there* :P

So yes. Maybe once I sort things out in my head and start on my room. Which is in a mess because I can't keep the corners of my mind tidy yet and am expending all the energy I have to tidying up the loose ends in the head before working on the physical outside of my life.

Yes, in case you haven't noticed, my brain is The Joker from Batman running loose, grammatical errors, long rambling sentences that make little sense to the casual observer etc etc.

Yes. So there. I can lay the blame partly on Warcraft III for the sleep deprived idiocy I am churning out now, as well as various other messes in my life: My room looks like a warzone and you can only take the occasional step by navigating through the little patches of carpet you can see. Did I just repeat a point? Teehee.

Sigh. So tata for now. I hope this is fairly coherent because I am too lazy to give it even a read through to ensure its legibility. Is that even the right word? Someone save me.

wax ] wane
