Sept. 11, 2002 ] 9:11 AM
Her eyes covet sightless eyes
That profit only from her light.

Her lips seek the sweetness
That only untainted love can buy.

O unburden the eloquent night
With bequests at fidelity's price

Such unthrifty emotion will annul
All pride and deplete all right.

O had he a heart of stone,
I would lease him a heart of flesh.

He has a heart, he cannot be bribed
Yet every man will have his price,

Say you will be bought, usurer,
Then be mine, an icon of my death.

Inspired by the last lines of Tam Lin.

"O had I known at early morn,
Tamlin would from me gone,
I would have taken out his heart of flesh
Put in a heart of stone"

Tentative title:
Fairy Queen
wax ] wane
