Shower of purple goo
Sept. 25, 2002 ] 4:31 AM
I apologise for the last entry. If it seemed abrupt and incomplete, you are right. I got invited to supper by Mage and Paladin and had to stop what I was doing and run off. And of course, by the time I returned, I had lost my train of thought.

Bleah. Although I suppose the fact that the night was pretty good made up for the loss in my musings. I had a good supper, a game of Warcraft and managed to escape the dreary room for a bit.

Of course you have to discount the fact that the tip of my finger got caught in the car door. I sobbed for a full ten minutes. Mage and Paladin had to bundle me into the car while I made a baby of myself because passers-by were glaring at them for making a girl cry. Teehee. It would have been hilarious if I was not in so much pain.

And people have the oddest desire to regale you with their accounts of similar incidents when they hear about your misfortune. Stories like how their bruised nails fell off in a shower of purple goo. Oh thank you for your gory anecdotes. I am now living in dread that will happen to me.

I think I will go crash now.

wax ] wane
