About alithiel
Sept. 27, 2002 ] 5:36 PM
Glitterscars asked where the name "alithiel" comes from. It comes from Janny Wurt's War of Light & Shadows. It has an interesting personal, and literary (for the books) history.

Alithiel was one of the twelve Blades of Isaer, forged by the centaur Ffereton s'Darian in the First Age from metal taken from a meteorite. It was given to his son Durmaenir who died in the war against the Khadrim in the first age. The sword then passed through Paravian possession, and acquired the secondary name Dael-Farenn, or Kingmaker, since its owners tended to succeed the end of a royal line. Alithiel was finally awarded to the s' Ffalenn line. Its first owner was Kamridian s'Ffalenn, a reward for his valour in defending the princess Taliennse, in the early Second Age. The root meaning of alithiel stems from alith (star) and iel (light/ray).

Pretty neat huh. I used to have a crush on Arithon, the current wielder of the sword. He was suitably angsty, intelligent and talented to pique a fifteen year old's interest. Not to mention that darling face on those glorious covers painted by Janny Wurts. I wore green, silver and black for an entire year, because they were s' Ffalenn colours. That was how infatuated I was. My textbooks were all covered in sketches of the lyranthe (a musical instrument) and the sword alithiel. I never could draw people, so Arithon was out of the question. Besides, the mind draws far more beautifully than any actual handiwork. So you see, I admit I was an Arithon groupie, the equivalent of the Legolas Greenleaf groupies you see these days.

Not that Arithon is strictly a teenage fanciful crush. I just mean that only green youth is allowed to indulge in such pretty fancies without drawing censure or ridicule. You don't see me parading in green, silver and black these days. Which does not mean I don't, I just do not admit it. Leave a twenty-two year old some pride please.

wax ] wane
