Tea Wonderful. Me Broke.
Oct. 25, 2002 ] 9:14 AM
I found a new tea-shop yesterday. Was I in joyous, bouyant, wonderous land! I was tracing the fancy packaging of the teas, reading the delicious sounding names of the teas, fantasising about the delight I would gain from drinking the teas after reading their ingredients and their little philosophies they have printed on the back of the boxes of the teas. Nodding in encouragment, or foolhardy naviety, at all they claim to do and generally looked blissful and out of this world (read: possibly on drugs as Multiple puts it succintly).

Until I realise that I was broke, have only about 3 weeks left before the Summer break begins and cannot possibly finish all the tea I already have, let alone some new ones, even if I drink like 5 cups a day. Which is very bad for your health, you know. And that was a bad rambly sentence.

I finally compromised and bought a single box of Lemon-Orange Tea. I intend to go brew a pot now and try it out.

To further expostulate on this entry to make it sound less ditzy, I am feeling tired all the time. I forgot to take my medication for about two days this week. While it should not make that much of a difference, psychologically, it does. I am always sick one way or the other because of mental nervousness. Blah.

I am in big big trouble. But I will explain all that at a calmer, less keyed-up time.

Note to self: remember to troop down and get those teas when I return after the holidays. Please do not become "out of stock"!

wax ] wane
