Jan. 24, 2003 ] 9:32 AM
For some obscure reason, little anecdotes about my family never fail to amuse my friends. Maybe it's the rather childlike delight I take in recounting them, or they are really funny anecdotes. I told one to Multiple yesterday and she found it hilarious.

You see, my mom has set up a reward system where my dad has to do household chores with the aim to earn some "points". Twenty-five points gets him permission to have a beer at his favourite watering hole. Mom wrote me an email detailing which chore earned my dad the points. And Multiple's comment to the whole situation, after she got her breath back was, "The things an old man would do for a beer."

I found it entertaining, but the depth of hilarity it evokes in my friends is still amazing.

I wonder what their reaction would be if I told my friends that I replied to my mom's email with, "Teehee. That is so funny." And my dad replies, "What is hilarious is that it's your dad replying to your email."



The whole thing with the Beau is sort of resolved. I didn't send him the letter but I told him the gist of it. He finally understood why I got so jealous over the ex-girlfriend. He admitted after I drew up fictional and not so fictional scenarios that he would advise the girl involved not to believe the guy, who may or may not be cheating on her. So yes. That is resolved.

The whole thing with the ex-girlfriend? She called him again and he is seeing her today for another talk. She pointed out that if he didn't want her to be upset, he would let her choose when they would end the relationship. He tells me that she wants a reconciliation. I think not. But then, I don't know what she meant by her message. Maybe that is what she meant by that message.

So, the poor boy can either make her happy, or he can make me happy. He can't have his cake and eat it too. Her friendship and me. He realised that he might lose both of us. Although I never understood that idiom. A cake is for eating isn't it? Why bake a cake for purely ornamental purposes?

But I digress. Things between us are still cold, except those times we forget that we have been fighting. I have a sinking feeling that it will never get better, even with time. I wounded him far too much, just as he has inflicted the same wounds on me.

wax ] wane
