Hurting... make it go away
Feb. 23, 2003 ] 1:43 AM
I have an entry, and two drafts of two different poems.

The entry has to be carefully re-edited simply because I wrote it off the top of my head and it is incoherent at best. With tonnes of spelling errors, loose ends and random digressions.

The poems are still incompleted, so I can't even put a draft up. They only consist of three to four lines and they don't feel like short and sweet entities.

My dissertation is still on ice and the semester begins in less than a week.

And to top it all off, I have started drinking again. Not much. Half a mug or a whole mug of vodka before bedtime, but the mere fact that I have been drinking is enough to set off alarm bells. Me.

I'm sad. I'm hurting. I'm so tired of this whole world.

And the worst part of this godforsaken situation? This isn't anyone else's fault. They may have contributed to it, but it is my own demons I have to battle with.

I am up against the baddies with only a plastic picnic knife and a paper plate for a shield.

wax ] wane
