May. 16, 2003 ] 12:11 AM
I took a bus to the city today, just to wander through the streets aimlessly. I didn't feel the the compulsive urge to window shop, just the need to wander around because my mood suited the inclement weather. I suppose there is something poetic in wandering through busy streets on a grey coloured day.


So tired. Fatigue. Officially. Depressed honestly. I slept from seven in the night on Wednesday to four in this afternoon. I dreamt of eggs that kept being broken or cracked despite my best efforts. I suppose it is some weird and complex metaphor about how I am going to fail. I dreamt of ghosts and demons too.


Winter evenings never fail to amaze me. In a blink of an eye, at a time when the mind is still accustomed to bright sunshine and a harsh cacophony from birds protesting against the imminent sunset, it darkens, and I am left bewildered at its suddeness.


This reminds me. I forgot to take a photo of the light filtered through the branches of this tree, set against the backdrop of a dusky blue sky. Now it is far too late. Winter skies are a different tint of blue from summer skies.

wax ] wane
