Spring Arrives
Aug. 2003 ] 7:50 PM
Outside, the trees rattle in birdsong,
The branches bare as the caged heart
As lover yearns to see the other
But gazes only at empty sky
Where even the birds refuse to try
Preferring the known safety of trees about to die.

But what of the need that refuses to die?
The silenced lover with his inseparable song.
The painful drum, drumming heart,
The palpable rhythm of the absent other
Whose harmony is the harmony of untamed sky
The orchestrated boundless bounty.

Balm to the beleagured
The dreaming far sweeter than the real.

The sky is suddenly filled with birds.
The trees now echo in emptiness.
The branches are green with leaves.

First conceived as two separate poems, "Freed" and "Caged". Title reconstructed.

wax ] wane
