Lord of the Dance
Dec. 28, 2003 ] 3:37 AM
I love the Lord of the Dance. I just watched it on telly, and it captivated me so much so that I decided to drop my stitching and just devote my entire attention to it. It is a pity I never had the chance to watch it "live" onstage.

Sometimes I wish I was more of a cultural snob in the traditional sense and adore all kinds of dance, but venerate western ballet above all else. But between the sylph-like movements of traditional ballet with its incomprehensible (maybe even pretentious), French titles, and the robustness and sheer vivacity of tap-dance, I would take the latter anytime.

The word "robustness" is so appropriate when describing Lord of the Dance. There is strength, and above all, vitality when watching the performance. Now I don't deny that ballet requires strength and poise, but when I juxtapose the skeletal ballerinas and the buxomy dancers of LOD, I gravitate towards the ones with more flesh.

Maybe it is just sex appeal. Those dancers can really radiate health and vitality, and that is really attractive. Not to mention they are buxomy. Oh I mentioned that already did I?

wax ] wane
