Misanthropes, mosquitoes & mankind
Jan. 05, 2004 ] 4:31 AM
It bothers me that the word misanthrope has entered everyone's vocabulary. The word seems like a faddish part of everyone's vocabulary, because prior to last year, no one I read ever described himself as one. And poof now every third blog I read bears the word misanthrope, or its various forms.

It makes me really skeptical about the validity of the description. And uneasy.

If you really are one, you should not have a "life" to blog about, unless of course the blog is about the annoying people you happen to meet all the time.

And I don't think being a literary snob makes you a misanthrope. You just dislike people who don't read the same genres, or upstarts that have a smaller vocabulary than you and who have the temerity to tell you off. (Personal bugbear here.)

Or maybe you are just going through a rough patch now, but you don't actively hate people all the time. Just this particular period.

Or perhaps you were emotionally scarred. But in time, (I sincerely wish you well), you may recover to be the nice sensitive person you were.

If they don't fall in these categories (and the few others I couldn't think of at the spur of the moment), or still insist they are misanthropic, how do they reproduce then? After all, it seems that the number of misanthropes, instead of decreasing, seems to be increasing. Maybe it is a syndrome of today's society, and we won't see the difference in over-population until after another decade.

Or maybe, too much blogging is the source of misanthropy. After all, everyone who blogs understand this. We get worried and nervous if our site-counter starts registering a phenomenal number of pages read from the same IP address too often and in too short a time.

The quality of such wariness should be counted as a redeemable asset for humanity. After all, one is still wired to fear people in real life (in contrast to virtual life) reading one's private thoughts.

But of course, the converse happens. Bloggers get paranoid and start to distrust people. Over time, this distrust engenders suspicion and hatred. And quite a huge proportionate of bloggers already have a foundation of introversion and sensitivity. And these qualities, if not properly handled, can be very susceptible to excessive, unhealthy, emotions. Like paranoia.

The way I look at it, misanthropy is the flu bug of the blogging community. We need a vaccine. Or maybe some penicillin.

Alright. I'm rather flippant today.

But it has just occurred to me that I might be a misanthrope. I mean I have all the classic symptoms of one. Of course, I don't actively hate people yet. Yet.

I swear I will kill more mosquitoes so as to prove that I hate mosquitoes more than mankind.

Erhm. I better stop now. I am cracking really bad jokes.


Codicil: If you are a true misanthrope, you will probably hate this entry on principle anyway. No, misanthropy is not a disease. Now, I know the English language is a living breathing entity capable of change, and that the meaning of "misanthrope" is gradually shifting from its original potency. But I like it just the way it is right now. Thank you.

wax ] wane
