Prelude to a torpedo.
Oct. 10, 2001 ] 10:16 AM
Wahahahah...This is deriding laughter at its cutting best. I fell asleep at 12.30 last night intending to wake up at 4 a.m.... and no prizes for guessing... I woke up late (or should I say normal) at 7 in the morning.

Damn damn damn. That's 10 marks gone (essentially one grade down) for my essay.

This sucks. And the worse thing about this whole god-forsaken situation? My friends are watching the entire third season (on mpegs) of the hilarious That 70s Show.

The show that I really really like, and rubbing that into my face. So much so that I want to kill them with a carbine:).

Well, if I have the time and the inclination to, I will talk about torpedoes and boobs.:) Trust me, there is a link. Trust me, it was funny... to a whole bunch of people who have had too little sleep. Much like the 70s Show is funny to people with too much caffeine and too little sleep. Heh.

Oh well, back to the grind.

wax ] wane
