Ring in the (HTML) changes
Oct. 21, 2001 ] 5:49 AM
I just have to add an entry now after spending like 6 hours trying to muddle through HTML tutorials (courtesy of BF) and HTML in general. And guess what... the design still looks essentially the same.:( ANd I still have not managed to get rid of the underlined links. Help would be greatly appreciated.

This is terribly sad. Words fail me. Literally. I'm too zonked out to even try and think of words that can describe my situation adequately. Oh... I have erased so many words in this rather vain and nonsensical entry because my brain has refused to cooperate to enable me to spell them. And yes my sentences are all repetitious and I forgot what the word is.

Anyway, this is my new layout. Like I said, it looks similar but trust me, about two hours ago it was better. It had a scrollbar (but I couldn't get the border around the whole entry). The menu was on the left in its little table (I was darned proud of it too!), in its proper place... (God's in Heaven, all's right in the world... sorry rambling thoughts...) and took me (to my utter shame and consternation) about 3-4 hours...the time blurs in its entirety. Not to mention the bloody title thingy took me ages to do and get right and then I found sites that offer templates which you can alter at your own leisure.:( Talk about stupidity. I suppose it's a good thing to go get Microsoft Front Page 2000 or some other programme but on the other hand I am doing this on a rather slow P300 IBM notebook. Or I could ask the BF nicely whether he has time on the weekends to help me.

Oh are those birds greeting the new day? How absolutely wonderful. Sarcasm is bliss. I'm perpetually tired and yet I stay up late to do stuff that is just a waste of time.

Oh yes, my mood has turned for the worse.:( I was suppose to ramble on about how proud I am to have managed to do everything from scratch with only a half baked idea on how to use HTML. I think my rudimentary skills won't extend much further anymore to create something more complex but I should be so darned proud of myself.

I keep telling myself that when I return home, I will use that web space I paid for to ftp images. I will I will. Eh... how do I do accomplish that feat? :P

Drat. My heart is beating way too fast.:( Yes I can feel it. It's like it's attempting to burst out from my chest with that amount of strength. That��s part of my current condition. From a healthy heartbeat (55-65 beats) to accelerated heart rates and palpitations because of my illness. My life doesn't get any worse than this.

Although, I do suppose I am just feeling really paranoid and got worked up over a relatively benign and common condition. It could just be the late night I spent, that's all.

wax ] wane
