Horrors! It's pink and other dumb things.
Nov. 29, 2001 ] 1:56 PM

It's changed into a pink monster:)

I have to thank everyone for their suggestions and compliments (especially Kaosha). :)

BF went "ERKS"... heh... that was amusing. Although the Brat rather liked the colour scheme. My mom thought it was fine.

It's a short entry today because I am currently hooked to Populous which I know is a really old game but I like old games cos they run superbly on my machine:) Hee.

Oh and I'm reading three books at the same time as well. No, I'm not boasting... rather it is something to be uncomfortable about.

You see, I started reading Illusion (y Paula Volsky)yesterday, having finally found a copy of the book that had the Michael Whelan cover on it. I wanted a copy of that particular printing before I would even read it. Yes I am that neurotic. That book kept me up past midnight (my bedtime is 11 p.m. because of strict doctor's orders) but by this morning I had forgotten that I was even reading it. Do not cast aspersions on the book. It is a really good fantasy book with heavy allusions to both the French and Russian Revolutions.

In any case I started reading another book (Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb) this morning because I needed to read something and had finished all the newspapers in the house. I had completely forgotten about Illusion until my mom asked how it was. Not only had I forgotten about Illusion, I had forgotten where I had left it.


And I am still reading one of my mom's romances which is somewhat dull and insipid. It's somewhere around the house...

I remember reading an article stating that addicts keep "stashes" hidden in all sorts of places. These addicts range from chocoholics, alcoholics to the potentially more dangerous drug addicts. I wonder if I classify as a book addict:)

Okay, this entry was meant to be short.


wax ] wane
