A misty blue day
Dec. 04, 2001 ] 10:40 AM
Weirder and weirder. My life is like a novel... that will never get past the editor's wastepaper bin:). Hello? Where is the drama? The high tension? The exciting tidbits? The colourful and innovative turn of phrases?

Nah my current situation goes like this

    1) Get out of bed.

    2) Go bleary eyed to the bathroom.

    3) Panic that I have not done work.

    4) Do some housework.

    5) Have breakfast.

    6) Turn on the computer/ Read a book

    7) Have lunch.

And you get the idea... that's it...Sigh...

Still I suppose it is a curse to have life interesting:)

Hah... on the other hand it's my cousin's wedding this Thursday so it should be interesting... if I can summon the energy to actually detail it and make it sound less like the boring affair I think it's going to be. Grrrr...

And money's a little tight and so no new gown for me :) My mom bought a new gown because she would after all be one of the wedding delegates hosting the whole bloody marathon.

Sigh. Is it too much to hope that I will lose the weight that I inevitably put on over in Australia and lose in Singapore before Thursday? At least so that I wouldn't look that much like an ex-swimmer gone to flab in my old misty blue gown?

Nah. I'm not that lucky. I will probably only lose all that excess weight over the extended period of time when I am home (if I am lucky and determined enough) and then go back down under and balloon up again. I hate college food. They didn't call the cook Dr. Death for nothing.


wax ] wane
