And the lightning God...
Dec. 27, 2001 ] 1:53 AM
Words fail me as I struggle to put my poisonous anger against my mom in concrete terms. Sometimes it hurts that parents are as infallible as any other human being. Sometimes you grit your teeth and soldier on in spite of their blind obstinacy. They aren't the perfect beings you thought they were when you were younger. They are hu-man. *sings*

That still doesn't make things any better.

No mam, it doesn't.

After all, my mom loves all of me. Well most of me. Well the parts of me that are good. Well whatever. Well, she does devote a lot to me. And I am supposed to be grateful, but I just can't adore her as much as I did when I was a child.

And it can get stifling and competitive...?

Small wonder about the origin of "Mommy's boys" and "Daddy's little princesses". I mean that kind of situation makes sense. Most of the time. Times like this.

My mom, as my dad once said is blatantly biased sometimes and blind, blind, blind. Yet sometimes she makes sense in her own way. It is logical on one hand, but she doesn't see the other flip side of the coin. She doesn't see any other side, period.

Well I am stubborn too. So there. *stomps foot*

*snap* *crackle* & *growl*

I wonder if lightning might cleave me into two right now... especially with the rain pouring outside, which is driving me insane.

wax ] wane
