The three i s
Dec. 30, 2001 ] 11:09 AM
Bleah, why do I get inspired in the wee hours of the morning or night and then find out later when I manage to get to use the computer, I have forgotten whatever I wanted to write?


Well, yes, my mood is better. Somewhat.

In the daylight anyway.

Maybe my darkest thoughts are vampires, simply because they only arrive at night, some of the time.

Okay, it has rained and thundered in Singapore over the last couple of days, so maybe that has contributed lots to my moody state.

I'm still not bouncy, maniacally happy, but at least I'm not suicidal depressive or even vaguely sad. Maybe just the three i s: isolated, irritated and inventive.

Heh. Okay that was all I can remember from this morning's sojourn into the dark reaches of my mind.

wax ] wane
