The black eye and black looks
Dec. 30, 2001 ] 11:20 AM
On a funnier note...

It begins like this.

My mom received a black eye after she accidentally walked into a glass door. Erhm, I wasn't there, so I do not know the details.

In any case, it has changed from looking like my mom has a permanent blood-red teardrop at the corner of her eye, to a full blown shiner.

My mom's having fun. She has been blackballing and blackmailing my dad.

It seems that when they go out for their daily walks, people give my dad the evil eye. My mom has mock threatened to take a photograph as "insurance" should my dad cast his eye on some younger model:) *snickers*

Heehee. It is quite funny to wake up in the morning to their friendly bickering with my mom bantering about the "abuse" she suffers and my dad rolling his eyes and joking that she should just take the photo and he could bring it to his workplace to educate his co-workers on how to keep wives in line.

(Okay I do know that domestic violence is not a laughing matter but this whole thing isn't meant to be taken seriously.)

So my dad has been doing the housework (which I think he would have done anyway cos he's on work leave), because he doesn't want "wifey" to walk out on him. *grins*

It's quite weird. My parents act like a bunch of kids sometimes.

The cap on the whole thing was this one encounter with the butcher. My mom is one of his really old and well liked customers. Today he took a glance at her and like every other person seeing the both of them together, stole a cautious look at my dad. However, it was only after my dad left to buy some other stuff (don't ask what... my brat sister and I are so spoilt we don't ever step foot in the wet market), the butcher summoned up the courage to ask my mom what happened to her eye. So she explained that she walked into a glass door. And the butcher laughed and said,"Yah he's so si si wen wen (meaning "gentle and scholarly")" and that my dad wouldn't go round hitting women. And my mom laughed and laughed and agreed with the butcher... And came home and teased my dad about him looking gentle and scholarly.

Bleah. My dad gentle and scholarly? Okay maybe because he's more the old school ACS whose motto is "where men are made into gentlemen" or something like that. Okay he's scholarly... but my dad's an ex champion rugby player. With the build to boot. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

Hee. I thought that was extremely droll.

That doesn't bode terribly well for the BF does it? I mean I am supposed to be extremely sweet faced.:P

wax ] wane
