Hey, I wear glasses, so I'm entitled to be myopic.
Jan. 09, 2002 ] 11:27 AM
Have you ever had an urge to change the world for the better?

I was reading biographies on famous politicians, religious men and other notables and the one thing that struck me was how much they spoke of a burning desire to change the system for the better. They spoke of unequal worlds and systems and how they would fight to gain equality for their fellow men. Or spread the "Truth" or etc.

The anomaly that raged though my thoughts was the sheer simple fact that it was their vision and their drive to reproduce that vision in real life that fueled their ambitions. Isn't that a tad myopic? Or selfish? Or am I just spreading my own brand of cynicism here?

Hellfire, I mean if that was true, the more major shifts in world beliefs and trends would depend on how well these "great men" sold their ideas and how many unassuming people bought those ideas. Is it truly better? Everything gets corrupted in the long run doesn't it? No silver lining... blah blah...

So am I being condescending here? For using the word "unassuming" to mean people who were naive enough to buy into what those "great men" were selling? I mean for all I know, those "unassuming" people did believe in those ideas. I am just wondering whether those ideas were sold to them or that they thought about it in the first place; happened to have a focal point and tool in the form of a driven "great man" with which they could drive the wedge of such new ideas into the old system.

Bleah. I want to leave my mark on the world. I just think that's too selfish of me.

Heh that smacks of too much arrogance too. All the great men have it. Hmmm... well I'm a woman so maybe it doesn't count... :P

Okay, I'm getting a little irrelevant right now. No sweat. My brain is half-dead, I am suffering from vertigo and an odd but rather pleasant sensation which I imagine is how hypnotised people feel. I walk around in a daze most of the time. My nose is stuffed up. I am aching or breaking into sweat most of the time.

In times like this, I like my flu bug. Isn't it adorable? *patpat* Okay getting too "high".

wax ] wane
