Bugger the Bugs
Jan. 07, 2002 ] 12:06 PM
I caught the flu bug again. AGAIN. Why me? I could just rant and rave and I would still have the flu bug. Bleah.

I have been reading my past entries and I am terribly ashamed of them. Alright, so I'm in a critical mood these days. Especially when I am in Essay Mode right now. Or trying to be. I'm still struggling with my critique on innocence in play and I am finding it an uphill struggle right now. I should have wrote it earlier when I had better arguments. However, I did put it off because the facts didn't make much sense to me. They made sense separately but I just couldn't find the links between them.

And now I'm sick as a dog with fleas.

It's a wonderful day isn't it? Wow. What could make it better?

How about being mosquito bait? No one else in the entire house gets bitten by those damned bugs if I'm around.

I think they could put it in my horrorscope(sic) for the week. "Beware the Bugs." I say, "Bugger them".

wax ] wane
