Eye candy eye candy. Yummy.
Mar. 04, 2002 ] 10:56 PM
There are a couple of babes this year in college. More than a couple. Eye candy eye candy. Gorgeous hot chicks. Strutting around in tight tanks and little skirts or tight jeans. Oooo... I'm pleased at the current crop of eye candy. :)~

It is an improvement over last year where we only had Chirpy and she wasn't really conventionally pretty but charming. Charm is highly under-estimated in the aesthetic stakes. And combined with pleasant features, we have a winner folks!

Oh and in the middle of the year we had this Rubenesque girl whom I shall call the Dowager Empress CiXi, because she reminds me of some of the portraits drawn of the grandmother of the last emperor of China when she was young. CiXi was a beauty, although I have a stinking suspicion that my CiXi will look just like the portraits of the original CiXi when she is a ripe old age.

CiXi and I got off to a bad start when she arrived and we are still pretty unfriendly towards each other. An understatement actually. We are antibiotics to bacteria, to put it mildly.

Hah, and she drove Strawberry into fits of hilarity because there was an unspoken rivalry on CiXi's side to be the winner of the "most lovey dovey couple in college". If Strawberry sat on her BF's lap, you can bet that in 10 seconds, so would CiXi. Heh. It was amusing.

Me? I tried to keep BF out of sight when he came over to visit. Cos he was an illegal squatter in my room.:P

And I used to drive Hamlet and Sweet Teeth nuts because I was in constant fear that I was as... erhm... rounded as she was.

I still am afraid. I'm hoping my medication and my low-fat diet keeps my mental body image more to the ideal Asian slimness. I despair of that ever happening, cos the women in my dad's family are all nicely round and soft. My mom's family resembles the current ideal of beauty, tall, slim and fine boned. Sigh. I had to be packaged with my dad's genes.:( I wonder if I can ask for a re-outfit at the HQ of the factory that churned me out.:P

Back to the drool worthy babes. One of them resembles the chiobus of my old junior college. Chiobus means "babes" in the Singaporen vernacular. The etymology of the word is very interesting. It originally meant "vain" in Hokkien, or as Hamlet told me once, it means "self centred and egoistic". They still use that definition in Taiwan. Which goes to show that stereotypes still exist where pretty girls are considered overly obsessed with their own visage.

And Paladin keeps pestering me to go over and "do my thing", which means to befriend them and then allow him to be introduced. Bleah. Men.

wax ] wane
