Mar. 10, 2002 ] 7:29 AM
This is annoying. First there was the memory deficiency of mine concerning the Ethernet card to allow for web access. Then the computer lab system lost my current ID and password from their database. And now this. The university's internet provider is down. What next? My laptop gets stolen? The computers in the lab start their own fireworks?

Touch the bloody wood. Damn it. I should shut my trap sometimes.

The only way I will get post this entry and other entries would be if and when I go down to Chinatown to play CS. And to do that I have to type out my entries and send it as an email to my web based account and then cut and copy.

Fantastic amount of work. And only if I get to a LAN shop today.

Wow. I'm impressed. And this couldn't happen at a worse time. I just asked for a review at Naked Reviews. And I would absolutely hate it I got a lower mark because I didn't update regularly.

Blah. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it when things are beyond my control. I am fine with critical comments (unless I am in a seriously kill the small bloody fluffy things?mood, which I am in right now) but not when it's not my friggin' fault.

There I go again. Ranting about things that aren't THAT important. And might not happen.

Mental note: join a anger management course.

wax ] wane
