Mar. 15, 2002 ] 7:21 PM
I have been thinking about calling Hamlet and asking him about the lack of communication these days. It could all just be a huge misunderstanding. Maybe he�s busy. Maybe I don�t write enough.

Maybe it�s true that Princess screwed up our friendship. I resented her hold over him and how he suffered and then expected me to help straighten the mess. Or how she was so lacking in responsibility and accountability in everything. The most notorious incident involving Finger�s car. "Yes, I borrowed the car and the door came back in need of repair. Yes I knew about not using that car door because if we opened the door, the door would fall off its hinges, but Fingers forgot to remind me that same day I borrowed the car. And besides, Fingers didn�t lend the car to my friend or me; he lent it to Hamlet. That means it isn�t my fault that the door fell off."

That was just so characteristic of everything she did, including applying for a part time job. She spent four hours filling in a simple form that would have taken anyone really interested in the job, less than half an hour. She forgot to take a photo, she needed glue to stick the photo on the form, and she needed a pen so she could fill it in. Bah.

Talk about personality differences.

And I always had the niggling suspicion that she viewed me the way I view Strawberry. Tolerated but not liked. A spoilt brat. Just like the way I view her. Everyone sees different things. Different light reflections.

And so, I am afraid that calling Hamlet will only make things worse. Taint whatever I have left of the memories of happy idyllic days spent drinking coffee and discussing poetry and life. It�s times like these that I tell myself that I don�t need to know. Ignorance is bliss. It is easier to let things fade away like other snapshots of my youth.

And yes, I am being a bitch because of PMS. Although, that is not a crutch for me to lean on all the time. I just do not like some people.

wax ] wane
