On feeling attractive
Mar. 14, 2002 ] 5:28 PM
I�m in one of my "I feel good about myself and I am quite pretty actually" days. It is one of those days when I preen in front of my mirror and think to myself, "Hey my features look pretty symmetrical, my skin is not too bad, I have pretty eyes and a pretty smile. I�m attractive!"

Which is kind of ironic because I am still irate at Paladin for teasing me about my weight. It came to a head on Monday (I can�t really remember which day it was), when we got back from the LAN shop. Fingers had parked the car in a really narrow slot and there was only a tiny gap for the passengers to sneak pass and not stop at Go. I didn�t have trouble at all but just before I got out of the car, Paladin just snorted in laughter and possibly disbelief that I could get through such a tiny gap. Well in case someone tells me I am over-sensitive, he didn�t do it when Strawberry was attempting the same manoeuvrer.

Paladin often snorts in disbelief when I tell him I am as skinny as I can get. Or when I tell him I have lost weight, or have really dense bones. When I was a toddler, my cheeks got pinched very often because they were supposedly so cute because they were chubby. Even when I shed all my puppy fat, it all went to my chest. I never had a period in my life where I could buy pants that fit my butt and my waist. I have a tiny waist, muscular thighs and a bubble butt.

A saleslady once told my mom to take me somewhere else to buy jeans because there was no way I could fit into anything the shop had. They were catering to girls with long skinny legs and a boyish figure. It happens to the Brat as well. We are just not like so many other Asian girls with their slim (quite often, underweight) figures. Which kind of sucks because we are both within the medical range of normal weight, even if the WHO decides to alter the BMI index to accommodate smaller Asian frames. And here we are, being made to feel that we should be thinner.

Oh and just for the record, I am not biased against every girl who is underweight or have nice, slim, figures. Some of my friends eat lots but just have a really high metabolism rate. And as you can deduce from my writing, I am kind of envious that some people have model like frames. So there.

Anyway, what is wrong with guys like him? Do I have to be skin and bones before I am considered attractive? Blah.

And I am not going to be like some of the girls I know who subsist on one meal a day to keep their figures. No way.

Well maybe, but then I will get paranoid about losing bone mass and getting osteoporosis. Or even worse, losing the only asset I am happy about, my bra size. Which conversationally, I think, if I continue to lose weight I might actually have to return to a cup size I haven�t worn since I was 12 and in training bras. Bleah.

wax ] wane
