I can't think of a title right now except for this lame title
Mar. 19, 2002 ] 1:21 AM
Too sleepy to think. I think I am going incubating a flu bug right now. I tend to sleep a lot when I am about to fall ill, and if I don't sleep lots, the flu bug turns mean, like one of those cute gremlins in that awful movie. Bah.

As per normal, I procrasinated, although I have a valid excuse. I am exhausted. I slept the whole day away and am now finishing whatever preparations I need for my presentations tomorrow. Bleah.

On a happier note, my hard work last week paid off. I can read off my handwritten notes although I suppose I would prefer to type it out and make everything look prettier. That reminds me, I have not started on the analysis of the second poem I am lecturing on tomorrow. Bleah.

I just hope everything I have is enough for a 10 minute yawn inducing speech tomorrow. Or today. Whatever.

Bah, even the mocha I drank three hours ago has no effect. I am still too tired to even notice whether I am typing this entry in any coherent form. It certainly seems coherent enough.

Okay, now to take a shower and crash into unconsciousness for all of 6 hours before brekky.

Yes this entry is dull and oh so unexcitable, but all I can think of right now is, "I'm so tired that I'm just babbling nonsense. But I am so tired that I can't stop typing or I will fall asleep and then my head will crash onto the keyboard."

Weird huh. I think so too.

wax ] wane
