Rainy days and mondays
Mar. 24, 2002 ] 3:24 PM
This will be a short entry because I have a migraine that can be rated 8 out of 10 and I really need to go lie down. I hate my migraines, I never really know what causes them, that, or there are so many triggers that they seem to take residence in my head when they feel like it. Sort of like termites and ants freeloading in the house you live in.

I have changed my layout again. Yes, it is the colour of rainy days. My poetry page has been changed to reflect that theme as well. I will write more about my theme when I have dealt with my headache. Later.

I have been reading some of my paper journal entries that I write when my computer is switched off and I can feel the dull steely ice creep back to hurt me. I have not the energy or the motivation to go over them and transfer these entries online yet.

Yet. Soon, soon.

But right now, my migraine is the metaphorical baby wailing in the next room and wanting mommy�s attention.

wax ] wane
