The F word makes its rare appearance
Apr. 15, 2002 ] 10:36 AM
I must have a psychic link with the BF. A sort of primitive connection if you will. I was dreaming about him replying to the email I sent out earlier and laughing at what I wrote... when the phone rang. He was there on the other end, telling me that he was home safe and sound.

On the work end, I lost the poem I was working on!!! ARGH!!!. I have copies of it but they are not in completed form or in a state where I can make a copy of it and attach it to my essay as an appendix. (Too many scribbles, highlights, notes etc.) And swiping it off the net isn't going to help me either. There's only one site which has it, and it's not educational. Blah.

This is one of the rare moments in my life where I will go "fuck!".

Now I have to make a trip to the library and pray that I don't get seen by the lecturer.

And I'm hungry. And why did the RA phone me at 10 in the morning? About illegal squatters in my room? Argh. I wish I would stop being so paranoid.

Now that's a hopeless wish.

wax ] wane
