Grapes make wine, not vinegar
Apr. 20, 2002 ] 5:53 PM
I bought some grapes today. Red seedless ones. And I devoured them while walking to the bus-stop from the market. All 350 grams of them. Not much I grant you, but it was meant to last the week.

Yummy. And to think I was laughing at the sign at the fruit stall that read, "Best seedless grapes. Crunchy." I remember thinking to myself, "Who on earth eats grapes because they are crunchy?"

I hate crunchy fruit. Apples, pears, persimmons, nectarines, they take too much effort to chew into. I love watermelons, but they aren't crunchy in my definition.

Needless to say, I had to eat my words, literally.

They were delicious. Nothing at all like the substandard jelly like, squashed, miserable looking things that the college kitchen passes off as grapes. And to think I hated grapes and only bought the seedless ones because they were easy to pick off the stems and I wouldn't have to bother with the pips.

When I finished, my fingers were sticky with grape juice and I suppose I had an orgasmic look on my face. BF says that I have a love affair with food. I may agonise about my weight but when it comes to the munch, I get so happy when I taste something divine. In this instance, grapes.

I do realise that I write a lot on food. I guess it is one of the pleasures in life. Easily affordable luxuries that make me happy. It has the added incentive that food more often than not does not run your credit card into the ground. How expensive can a handful of grapes or an ice-cold smoothie be? And you are not liable to be eating 24/7.

wax ] wane
