A Made Spring
Apr. 21, 2002 ] 11:20 PM
Sometimes you wish to hold me
And sometimes it seems unfair
That I shy away and you touch the air
And watch the leaves tremble when
I watch the hurt that blooms in
Your eyes when you think I not care.

But sometimes, you know that I
Love you but just remember the past,
The man I allowed who stripped me bare
Of all the green shoots, leaving only
The scarred trunk of empty grasping hands
Whose barkless body feels too much
Interpretes too little and wishes
That spring never came or should have
Arrived later. But maybe this winter of
Deepening roots is far better than
A giddy spring or a pleasant summer.

Because you know you can coax
The next season of spring and
You know that such a made spring
Is far sweeter than anything.
wax ] wane
