Read the last entry. That's an order.
May. 03, 2002 ] 4:00 PM
Let me reiterate my last entry. I hate being sick. And today really tops every bad thing that has happened this entire month.

My throat feels like someone has rubbed the inside of it with sandpaper. I have gotten used to being ill, so much so I never really noticed whether I was in pain or not. Which is why I told my specialist that I don't remember having a sore throat which is a symptom of my illness. I did admit that I probably got used to the pain by the time I saw him. After what? A year? Blah.

In any case, I don't think the constant ache of a throat can compete with migraines, cuts, bruises etc. Or waxing and other weird and wonderful things women torture themselves with to make themselves look beautiful.

Well, today's an exception. And the blasted pain is making my head throb. Bloody hell. I am going to have a accursed migraine on top of my sore throat. Blah.

wax ] wane
