The curtain falls.
May. 25, 2002 ] 1:39 AM
Okay. Someone has been reading far too many entries in one go for my liking in the past three/four days. And it is a local I.P. address, so it isn't Jingle.

I was too busy with work to realise it until today, when I checked my site counter.

It makes me paranoid. It scares me. It makes me feel really terrified.

Oh well, it was bound to happen in any case. So I'm shutting this place down. A big thank you to everyone who have been with me these past few months. I will miss you all. It's been fun.

If anyone is still interested in reading what I write, feel free to mail me at [email protected]. I will mail you the new diary address if I start anew. I will be putting a password on this page in the week or so. Cheers.


wax ] wane
