Bad mood rising
Jun. 16, 2002 ] 8:43 PM
Yup. End of story. A drastic change of mood in less than 2 hours. I now feel that if I see anyone I vaguely dislike I would blister them with sarcasm. Oh well. Maybe it is time to start marking the calendar in red.

Let's see if Georgette Heyer might make me feel better. And she has no porn in her romances. Good. I feel better already. Pure utter romance bliss with riotious family mayhem. Make that a very classy Regency romance. She's comes highly recommended. Sort of like the Jane Austen of the 1930s.

I learnt a few new words from just finishing one fifth of her book. One of which is "Palliate", which means "cause to be or make it seem less unpleasant". If you have heard of it before don't rub it in! But yes, it does suit my situation very well.

Hmmm. Maybe I am missing something this World Cup. I just don't feel the urge to watch it this time round. People are screaming and cheering upstairs. Sigh. I might catch the finals but that is it. The 2002 World Cup Obligatory Match. I just don't feel like watching the matches this time round. Am I repeating myself? Damn. I must be worst off than I thought.

wax ] wane
