About stories
Jul. 18, 2002 ] 10:05 PM
What are the stories that you love? The little snippets that pluck at something in your being and make the entirety resonate?

I was watching Neo Genesis Evangalion the other day and was struck by the line that one of the characters uttered. While her name escapes my beleaguered mind at this moment, the scene does not. Roughly translated by the fan-subtitler it goes,"O Mother, you chose the man over your own daughter." And it struck me in a variety of ways.

One was the pun played on the Japanese word for "Mother" and the Magi Computer "Caspar", but that was the detached part of my brain doing literary analysis. Another was the underlying implication that many of the worst critics of women, have always been other women.

Too fat, too thin, she's so dumb, what a flirt... Catty remarks made mostly by women. Even the phrase "catty" has a feminine connotation.

That scene encapsulates the whole situation in a nutshell, albeit somewhat on the extreme end of the scale. The main motivations of women's underhanded wars seem to be men. I open a magazine and get articles like "These women are out to get your men" or "When Best Friends Fight" with the subtitle," Over a man is it worth it?". Inane things like that.

But that's me. Women just seem to be other women's most lethal enemies, unless you are part of their small little sisterhood. If you are not, it's nuclear warheads, baby.

Oh well. That's my grouse of the day.

But what are the stories that one enjoys? It tells a lot about your personality. But of course you already knew that. You just refuse to acknowledge it. Why do you like Arithon so much? Why like the Sandman, which someone dismissed as a "depressing suicidal flick for dumb individuals" while you see only the layers and layers of meaning and not just the stark obvious end of Dream?

But of course you already know that. Because you love some stories and detest others. Because there are some stories you return to, in whatever form it may take.

wax ] wane
