Jul. 24, 2002 ] 5:36 AM
I hate butterflies. So many meanings converge on one small motif. So many external and personal meanings. All my hatred centers on that small motif. It does not matter what colour you are little butterfly, but you have been elected the scapegoat I will butcher in my mindless fury at being thwarted by the fates and my own innate inconceivable stupidity.

Anger is not constructive when it reaches this chilling nimbus. This anger radiates icy fingers from my heart and my whole body seems unable to warm itself.

Butterflies symbolise rebirth and hope. What hope? This faint fluttery hope? At such great price? What pearl? Oh give me a pearly winged butterfly to cup in my cold blue hands.

Yet the butterfly will not gather enough warmth to flutter its wings and fly. My hands are too cold. My anger too debilitating.

wax ] wane
