Mistimed Events
Aug. 03, 2002 ] 12:42 AM
Fine. This is going to be somewhat amusing to those none neat freaks out there.

I decided to create my own carpet freshener using bicarbonate of soda and lots of essential oils. Mainly Peppermint, Juniper, Lavender and Orange oils. All with good antiseptic properties. And all relatively pleasant scents (except peppermint which I merely tolerate because it is good for your nose.)

However, after scattering the home remedy onto the carpet yesterday in the fond anticipation of the cleaning ladies, I have discovered that they have forgotten to clean my room!

So now, I have to endure a grayish looking carpet which looks like it has contracted a fatal disease and is dying. And little puffs of white clouds when I walk on it. These drug like clouds might not only kill the germs in the carpet but succeed in making me cough myself to the grave. I have tingling feet from the peppermint oil right now, which will be a pleasant sensation in the Summer, but it is Winter right now, and my feet are cold enough these days!

I have tried to prevent this odd sensation by walking around in socks, to no avail. Boohoohoo. And I smell like peppermint. Argh!

And the ladies won't clean my room til (gasp!) next Thursday! Oh woe is me!

wax ] wane
