Quirky love-test
Aug. 27, 2002 ] 3:11 AM

Interesting Love Test.:)

The sort of person you'll be attracted to in real life.

A. Rabbit - those who have a split personality, cold as ice on the outside, hot as fire inside.

In courtship, which approach would enable the other to feel irresistable to you.

B. Lion - A forthright person, who tells you he loves you.

What impression you would like to give to your lover

A. Dog - Loyal, faithful, unchanging.

What personality quirk would cause you to break up with your partner

C. Crocodile - Ruthlessness, Cold-bloodedness

Which type of relationship you would like to build with your partner

D. Bird - You care not only about the present but the future with your partner; A long-lasting relationship that you can grow with.

Would you commit adultery?

C. Cow - Tolerance, you'll try very hard not to.

What do you think about marriage?

B. White Tiger - You think of marriage as a precious object, once you get married, you'll treasure it and your partner very much

What is love

A. Lion - You thirst of love and you can do anything for it, but you won't fall in it easily


wax ] wane
