Cherry-flavoured (Well I think so)
Feb. 17, 2003 ] 10:56 PM
I gorged myself silly on the bag of cherries I dug out of cold storage. I am constantly amazed at how much human beings are creatures of habit. And how much I adhere to this stereotype. They were in the fridge, I was hungry, so I ate them. Without washing them. And that is a real departure from the usual paranoid neat freak I am.

Not to mention those damn cherries have been in my fridge for the last three weeks. And if I recall correctly, those cherries were going really cheap because they were over-ripe (old stock I believe, from the week before) by the time I got my greasy little paws on them. So, one can imagine how intense their ripeness would have been, if my fridge isn't a huge consumer of energy and rather tempermental in its idea of working condition. Trust me, those cherries have been alternating between frozen preserved and moist, chill, hopefully crisp conditions.

So I assumed they were edible.

Well they seemed edible. I wasn't going to quibble. I was hungry.

Besides they tasted alright, didn't look too weird, (maybe a little squishy for a couple), and were suitably coloured like cherries. Alright, maybe more than a few were rather pale imitations of cherry coloured cherries, but I only ate like the really nice red parts of those cherries. And I am typing this entry right now aren't I, instead of griping about the pain in my stomach?


wax ] wane
