Apr. 04, 2003 ] 10:53 PM
Oh, since I am stuck here in this badly lit place *grumble* (see previous entry), I might as well give an accounting on why I have not been updating.

The Beau has been playing Diablo II at Mage's house for the last four days. Diablo II marathons. How sick is that? They play from sunset to sunrise. And it is with sick fascination that I watch Mage go glassy-eyed and fall into a trance just frantically clicking away on the mouse.

Erhm. You don't need to click the mouse button for each attack, just hold the bloody thing down!

But of course, the Beau wouldn't appreciate me butting in. Oh come on, on the way to this place, we argued over the best skills for the necromancer and the sorceress. Oh please. It was a fruitless argument. He is a better computer player, because he is more dedicated than I am (bloody vampire), but I have a level 65 necromancer, and I have watched my sister claw her way to a level 62 sorceress (heh, sibling rivalry there) and he has only ever played the paladin, the barbarian and a measly level 8 necromancer. I do have slightly more experience in the characters I do know after all.

Of course in terms of concentration, I fail dismally. My game goes to pieces when there are too many armies and micro-details clamouring for attention, and I still cannot rid myself of the habit of not pressing the wrong key when in danger of being killed. The Brat should know. I ruined her precious druid by spending eight of her most carefully saved skill points by clicking on the wrong key in the wrong menu.

Trust me. It is with time's attrition (about an entire year) that she has decided to maganimously forgive my enormous blunder.

Now what was I whinging about?

Oh nevermind.

Ah yes, the Beau is another computer gamer-fanatic. I could sit nude next to him and press my breasts against him and he wouldn't notice. (Not that I didn't try before. It was quite a gratifying experience to watch his eyes pop and his sudden jump when he did realise. But it was rather annoying as well. he didn't realise that I was nude until his eyes left his screen!)

I remember the Capt telling me why males make better soldiers and do better in arcade games. They don't multi-task. They are single minded. It is biological in origin, all the way from prehistorical times. Women have comparatively scattered concentration. It makes them good at multi-tasking, but bad when one is required to concentrate wholly on one sitaution and react to it.

This lack of acknowledgement other than the computer screen is good sometimes. I don't want another boyfriend reading this diary. So while he plays his 12 Blademasters, I write in this. I have had enough problems with the last reading my diary, thank you very much.

On a side note: I think I want to marry this fellow. He doesn't rage like my dad. And he doesn't calculate love in monetary terms. Yes. A short week ago I was raging at him. And now a volte-face. How odd. This week has been blissful, despite sleeping on couches, beanbags and walking home with him at 5 in the morning after his bloody games.

wax ] wane
