Just ranting. (I'm in a bad mood.)
Apr. 17, 2003 ] 11:40 AM
I read a topic entitled, "Are You Creative?" in my favourite forum, and the posts were mainly about the definition of creativity. The main grouse of some of the supposedly more discerning posters is the fact that almost everyone (I skimmed through most of the longer posts) tried to define creativity but failed to answer the actual question.

Maybe they were being creative? Or just evasive?

Why everyone evades the actual question makes sense. I mean, I don't know what creativity is. Can you define it without refering to past critics, literates and philosophers?

And I may think I'm creative, but someone else might have a different opinion to creativity I proclaim to have. Who wants to be flamed on a public forum?

(Alright. Maybe this whole self-assuming thing is cultural or maybe I'm taking it too far.)

Who wants to stand up and yell, "I'm creative", which implicitly means to some over-sensitive argumentative people, "Nenenene. You lot are just boring sticks-in-the-mud squares"? I know I wouldn't. Maybe other people have the same sense of self-preservation. And anyone who does the opposite can be construed as trying to hard to be different, or just debating for the sheer pleasure of being obnoxious.

I mean, I'm creative no? I run a public blog, which I design myself. I write poetry. Some prose. I can draw (or used to be able to) and those little cute designs were pretty damn popular and became my trademark of sorts. I love colours. I can match colours. I dress flamboyantly. I love the arts. I make my own journals. I sew. I design well enough that people nod their heads in approval.

But hey, a blog? Lots of people do blogs. Lots of people write poetry. But are they good poets? Does writing poetry automatically qualify you for a creative status? No. I could be imitating some poet's style, who in turn borrowed from someone else. I think outside the box, but look around there are lots of people who do. And they sometimes think outside a box and fail to see that they are "creative" enough to think of a different box. But it is still a box. Or maybe a tin. Or some other sort of container.

What is wrong with conforming? We need people who conform, create a society with rules so that it can exist to be broken by people following the trend to be "different".

So yes. Creativity? I think I am creative. But who wants to say it? If you have to give yourself a label, it is highly possible that you are not what your label reads.

wax ] wane
