Apr. 29, 2003 ] 2:57 PM
That last entry was a tantrum. A huge baby one. A fine eloquent piece of foot-stomping, breath-holding, purple faced sulking, I might say. The Beau is ill today, and it is probably because I read him the riot act last night and kept him up again. Some mean streak in me refuses to allow anyone else their peace of mind when I have none. Bah. And I know I am stressed. A headache for over four days. I wish I could curse and swear but the Beau hates me to swear. It's not ladylike. It is me with false advertising. He maintains I was all sweet and feminine before. I was. Until I get stressed and morph into a witch.

Reading my past entries is worrying me. My vocabulary shrunk again. I must improve it. I must. I think I might fail my Honours year. And the last time I felt like this, I did fail.

wax ] wane
